South Orange Reminder: No Mobile Phone Batteries In Curbside Recycling

Press release from the Village of South Orange:

June 19, 2020

REMINDER: NO Mobile Phone Batteries in Curbside Recycling.

Please be mindful of your disposal habits.

This is a reminder from our recycling hauler not to put mobile phone batteries into curbside recycling because it is dangerous. This mobile phone battery was picked up Thursday morning and caused a fire in the recycling truck. Fortunately the truck was not full at the time and they were able to extinguish the load. Mobile phone batteries should only be disposed of on specific electronics recycling days or by bringing them to the manufacturer or specific electronics-recycling vendor. You can get more information on how to recycle other non standard items by downloading the Recycle Coach app wherever you get apps. Recycle Coach is free, helpful, and it could be really important in the life of a recycling worker.

If you are unsure of what is acceptable and not acceptable for recycling, please refer to the Recycling Guide. For additional information, please refer to DPW's Recycling page.

This press release was produced by the Village of South Orange. The views expressed here are the author's own.

